Spring 2024: MTE362 - Thermodynamics of Materials

Descriptions: The fundamentals of thermodynamics applied to typical metallurgical processes and reactions, heterogeneous equilibrium, behavior of solutions, standard states, phase diagrams. Emphasis is placed on the use of basic thermodynamic data, graphical representations of thermodynamic data and equilibrium, and the application of using computational tools to solve problems. Computing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. It is a undergraduate core course.
Fall 2024: MTE 491/591 - Introduction to Integrated Computational Materials Engineering

Descriptions: This will be a new course to be developed for an introductory to computational materials science and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), with focus on multi-scale modeling methodologies commonly used in materials science, including Density Functional Theory, CALculation of PHAse Diagrams (CALPHAD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Real materials design examples will be chosen as class project. It is a elective course open to both senior undergraduate students and graduate students.