Research Overview

Research in our lab has both science and engineering, with focuses on:
Specific research interests are listed below.
- Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) modeling.
- Developing new materials or manufacturing methods using ICME-based design and experimental validation.
- Additive Manufacturing (AM).
- High-throughput experiments and modeling for materials informatics.
Specific research interests are listed below.
ICME Modeling in Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Develop ICME models to link materials' process-structure-property relations using Calphad-based microstructural models and physical-based property models.
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF):
Solid-State AM:
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF):
- Development of Calphad-based models to predict Ni-based superalloy's microstructural evolution during AM.
- Prediction of materials' properties.
- Optimization of process (printing and post-printing) routines via ICME approach.
Solid-State AM:
- Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD) repair for Al-alloys
- Develop ICME models to simulate Al-alloys' microstructures and properties through AFSD.
Materials Development

High strength high conductivity (HSHC) alloys (Cu or Al) with heat resistance, for cable and conductor applications. Research directions include:
- ICME modeling to identify second phase particles in Al or Cu to increase strength and thermal stability without significantly reducing electrical conductivity.
- Rapid solidification prototyping to enable desired microstructure with finely dispersed coherent precipitates.
- New applications.

Ceramic-metal (Cermet) composite with high temperature strength, high fracture toughness and good chemical inertness, for applications in:
- Tool pin materials for friction stir welding on steels, Ni-based superalloys and Ti-alloys (>1000°C).
- Tool materials for metal cutting (> 800°C).
- Materials for extreme environment applications, such as cold-spray nuzzle.

Nanocrystalline(NC) coating on steel engines to improve durability and wear resistance against high-pressure fuels such as F-24. Research directions include:
- ICME-based design of stable nanocrystalline alloys, acting as a catalyst for F-24 fuel.
- PVD or electrodeposition of NC coating on steel substrate or complex surface.
- Tribology behavior of NC coating against fuel flux under pressure.
Materials Informatics

Combine high-throughput experiments and computational approaches for materials database and model developments. Current research areas include:
- Forward-simulation analysis approach to efficiently extract interdiffusion and impurity diffusion coefficients for various systems.
- Dual-annealing to investigate phase transformation, precipitation evolution and interfacial energy, combined with modeling.
- ICME model development and validation with high-throughput experiments.
- Compositional dependent materials properties study.